Saturday, May 9, 2020

Get Appy Phone Apps To Improve Your Job Hunt -

Swot up with Interview Prep QuestionsIt’s not just body language and social skills you need to demonstrate at interview; it’s preparation, too. Apps like Interview Prep Questions prepare you by using virtual flash cards. With options to shuffle and ignore at will, you can prepare for your next grilling any time, on the go.Don’t like the sound of that? Try Interview Pro, which features over 80 different questions, or Interview Buzz, which comes in both free and paid-for versions. Finally, a great interview resource for job-seekers is the What Colour Is Your Parachute? app. A companion app to the ‘world’s most popular job-hunting guide’, it imparts excellent job-search advice from revered author Richard Bolles â€" straight to your phone!Get picky with SwitchLove Tinder? Then you’ll love the concept behind Switch, which lets you ‘swipe’ on jobs rather than people. If successful, you could be chatting directly with hiring managers within minutes. Best of all, the proces s is totally anonymous â€" perfect for current employees looking to ‘switch’ quietly to a new position, without alerting their bosses.Make social media work for your job search, with BeKnownIn the modern world, we all have Facebook and Twitter accounts. These social media bastions are great for socialising, organising and… job hunting? The creators of BeKnown certainly think so.Using your Facebook and, if you want, other social media contacts, this app creates a professional network for you out of people you already know. So, if you’re looking to boost your network with minimal effort, this should be your first port of call.Like all new technologies, apps can be daunting at first. But with dedicated use and an open approach, you’ll soon find you couldn’t live without them. So take the leap â€" your dream job could be waiting on the other side.

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